Bunker Supply

Unioil Supply is a leading bunker supplier providing bunkering by truck, ex pipe and by barge in Denmark, the Faroe Islands and the Norwegian, Barents and Kara Sea - however not limited to these areas.

Unioil Supply not only provides bunkering, but also offers a dedicated team of professional and experienced employees for your service. We deliver first-class quality, flexibility, timing and safe operation – and place a strong emphasis on developing close and long-term business relationships.


Bunkering by truck, ex pipe and by barge

In Denmark, we cover all ports with all grades of bunkers via the highest standard of tank trucks. At the Port of Aarhus, Copenhagen, Skagen (Skaw) and Faroe Island, we also offer ex-pipe solutions.

Our storage facilities at the Port of Aarhus, Port of Copenhagen and the Port of Fuglefjord in the Faroe Islands provide us with an ideal position to service our clients at short notice throughout the Danish ports and in Fuglefjord.

In the Norwegian, Barents and Kara Sea, we perform high sea bunkering with stern-line and a highly skilled and experienced crew. Our permanent offshore setup in the area secures high operating flexibility and a short delivery time to your benefit.


Hedging solutions

Unioil Supply offers different hedging solutions, including access to forward fixing of prices. We remove your price exposure by offering contracts based on Platts quotations, fixed price and trigger pricing. Furthermore, we provide our expertise regarding pricing tools to match customer needs.


Please contact Unioil Supply for flexible and reliable bunkering by truck, ex pipe and by barge: 

Bunker Supply:
- Phone: +45 88 81 17 87
- Mail: salesDK@bunkerone.com